When I first started hearing the phrase "detox diet" bandied about, my first thought (and maybe yours too) was to picture rock stars in rehab. Now, with years of teaching and coaching people through detox/cleanse programs, I no longer think first of long haired hard rockers. Our bodies are constantly detoxing - clearing out the "debris" we bring into our body 24/7 - and sometimes we simply need to give our bodies a helping hand. Let's start with another perspective on what's going on... Let's pretend (I love to say that), our bodies are miniature cities. Like a city, your body has buildings, roads, acquaducts, technology centers, waste disposal systems, open space and construction zones. Just as a city would need raw materials and funds in order to maintain its infrastructure, keep the roads clear and have space for new developments, the body needs its nutrients. High quality nutrients. And these nutrients - carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals - need to be available at the right time and in the right quantities. The body does have the ability to store what's needed and has almost magical ways of adjusting to geographic and seasonal requirements. BUT, imagine if the city was taking in only counterfeit dollars and very poor quality materials. In the guise of nutrients, the body was instead consuming "fake foods," processed carbs, lots of added sugar (or worse, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sugars) . The city's coffers felt full, but the fake money couldn't be magically turned into the materials the body needed to do its thing, or at least not to do it efficiently. Pretty soon the city is in disrepair and not meeting its obligations, but is nonetheless bloated on empty calories and lacking in energy. Now think about detox in terms of how you can rehabilitate this city. Eliminate or minimize the junky stuff and focus on clean fresh foods instead. Then, support the body in flushing out those accumulated toxins. It's really that simple. Want to find out more? Join an upcoming Mariposa Wellness Journey or contact me for 1:1 consulting.
The first Mariposa Wellness Challenge is launching next week and I'm so excited many of you are already on board! Register today and I'll send you call-in information for our kick off webinar scheduled for Monday, July 13, 2015 at 12 noon or 7 pm. (If you need an alternate time, let me know and we can schedule another time.) During the webinar, you'll learn what to do while gathering tools for success, whether your goals are to:
Plan materials (which will be sent after the webinar), include Mariposa Eats, a handy resource for whole food options and daily serving sizes that can guide you through each day (with options for gluten free and dairy free), recipes, menus, a private Facebook page for community support, and access to me throughout the process for questions and support.
Finally, I'm often asked if supplements are required. Well, no, never required and you can do this without products and gain a wealth of information about, and experience the difference with, whole foods nutrition, clean eating, and lifestyle choices. BUT, if you want to maximize your results and increase ease, I do recommend a combo of detox (14 Day Paleocleanse Plus Program) and weight loss (14 Day Paleomeal Plus Lean Body Program). Each of these packages contain enough protein powder packets and supplements for 14 days (28 meals). You may choose to use one or the other or both (and details about how to do that will be covered in our call Monday). If you elect both, you'll have enough product to support you through the entire challenge.
Looking forward to "seeing" you on Monday as we launch this journey together! Lorie Remember the jingle from way back in the day? Yes, 1977's "incredible edible egg" will live with me forever (for better or worse). In the years to follow, we heard lots of controversy about eggs - high in cholesterol? High in fat? Just eat that egg white omelet? Well... Now we know that eggs really are incredibly edible! Not only are they one of nature's most bioavailable foods, they are dense with almost all the nutrients humans need and only 75 calories per egg. Unless you're allergic, eat the yolk! You'll have more sustained energy and feel your best. Eggs are a great source of Vitamin A, Choline, Vitamin B12 and contain 6.5 g of protein in each medium egg. And, best of all we now know that the dietary cholesterol in healthy whole foods like eggs do not raise blood cholesterol levels. So, enjoy your eggs (go for the best quality - pastured if possible). 2-3 eggs is considered a serving size for a meal. Try to incorporate lots of non-starchy veggies to make a delicious veggie scramble. Here's a photo from my own kitchen: veggie scramble with zucchini, onion and peppers, with a side of blueberries. Delicious combo of protein, non-starchy vegetable, and low glycemic fruit. It's a great way to start the day. Check out my Pinterest board for more egg recipes. I don't know about you, but sometimes I hear a phrase so often its meaning becomes cloudy and ambiguous. Such is the case with "clean eating." I hear it every day, in many different contexts, often as a prod to purchase something "clean" and often with a hefty dose of judgment. How can we make the word meaningful again? Well, I'm here to say you'll find your answer at the intersection of nutrition education and personal trial and error. Clean eating is all about enjoying real food, made with real ingredients and delighting in colors, textures and flavors. It's also finding the foods that work for you and creating a game plan for how to interact with foods that don't work so well for you. For me, high quality dairy in moderate amounts works fine, but I have a fairly low tolerance for gluten. When I have too much, my body starts sending me signals to please stop. If I have too much sugar, I feel really anxious and restless. Discovering your personal template for clean eating is an act of self-discovery, honesty and empowerment that will literally change your life.
Below is a very simple recipe I made not so long ago. I cut up fresh asparagus and purple potatoes and sauteed in a bit of olive oil and sprinkled with a bit of sea salt. Delicious and easy. |
Lorie Gehrke, NCIt's all about our journeys... Here's where you'll hear from me on any number of topics, from nutrition and recipes, to grief and infant/child loss, to parenting and empty nesting, to poetry, dogs, and photos, and all things in between! Archives
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